I get asked this question a lot, especially by folks out of town thinking about making a move here. My answer is that it all depends on the size, bedroom count, age and of course the condition of the property. I am going to give you a breakdown of the current average sale prices for Single Family Homes and Townhomes in the 5 zip codes of Falls Church, VA.
22041: SFH avg is $1,026,853.00 & TH’s avg $608,363.00
22042: SFH avg is $848,861.00 & TH’s avg $685,000.00
22043: SFH avg is $1,176,865.00 & TH’s avg $873,333.00
22044: SFH avg is $1,125,166.00 & TH’s avg $858,750.00
22046: SFH avg is $1,211,920.00 & TH’s avg $823,222.00
This is based on Bright MLS data over the last 6 months of this writing/post. Keep in mind that these are averages and are meant to be used as a reference point. This data also reflects only re-sale properties, not New Construction. To see real-time listings in Falls Church you can always visit my website below to see what’s homes are for sale in Falls Church, VA.