What do New Homes Cost in Falls Church, VA?

new Construction homes in Falls Church

We talked about average prices for re-sale homes in Falls Church, VA. Today, I am going to give you a breakdown of the current average sale prices for New Single Family Homes and New Townhomes in the 5 zip codes of Falls Church, VA.
22041: SFH avg is $1,550,333.00 & No new TH’s built/sold in the last 2 yrs.
22042: SFH avg is $1,599,999.00 & TH’s avg $843,739.00
22043: SFH avg is $2,394,316.00 & TH’s avg $1,360,710.00
22044: SFH avg is $1,125,166.00 & No new TH’s built/sold in the last 2 yrs.
22046: SFH avg is $2,214,920.00 & TH’s avg $1,275,761.00

This data is from Bright MLS from the last 6 months. This is meant to be an initial reference. New Home Prices in Falls Church, VA will vary by zip code, property type, size, builder, finishes and up-grades. To see real-time new construction listings in Falls Church, VA go to the link below. You will see current single family and townhome new construction listings. On my next post and video, I am going to explain the difference between Custom Homes, Semi-Custom Homes and Spec Homes as well as the Pros & Cons.

Go to New Construction Listings in Falls Church Here: https://tinyurl.com/5fubrpsh

For questions or to schedule a New Home Consultation, contact me below.

Elliott R. Oliva | The Oliva Home Group
powered by eXp Realty

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